Home Furnishings Sector
Given its high sales seasonality, its direct correlation with consumer sentiment, its ever changing distribution channels, and its distinct manufacturing & sales processes, the Home Furnishing industry requires thoughtful and time-tested deliberation.

Home Furnishings & Consumer Goods
As a seasoned operator of retail disposition and clearance events, RMP’s industry-specific expertise clients must contend with the outside forces shaping this segment of retail sales.
We specialize in operating liquidation and auction services for department stores and furniture stores. We have experience with small stores and national chains. We have been involved in augmentation of sales in bankruptcies for more than two decades.
Business Sector Expertise
Specialized industries and sectors require specialized expertise. Whether a business’ specialization is technical-based or process-related, RMP’s Team navigates each turn effortlessly, providing a tremendous value-added, turnkey solution.
Our team has specialized experience navigating through the trial and tribulations of the following sectors:
Real Estate
Properly valuing and liquidating a company’s real estate assets is fundamental in addressing a company’s or lending bank’s core objectives. During any turnaround, turndown, or liquidation process, real estate disposition and/or lease restructuring requires a well-crafted, unique and targeted approach that optimizes a company’s real estate assets.
RMP’s dedicated Team of Oil and Gas Specialists are unrivaled in their insight into the energy sector. Located in the Energy Capital of Houston, Texas, our Team’s exposure to the Oil and Gas industry allows us to craft customized options for energy assets ranging from oil, gas, coal, biofuel, solar and other renewables to meet the multifaceted challenges of lenders, operators, and investors in the energy sector.
Complex and heavily dependent on population growth, advances in science and technology, and government regulation, the Health Care Sector comprises one of the largest aspects of the economy, affecting all members of society. RMP provides unequaled insight into the drivers of change and value that support clients in meeting the demands of the Sector today and in the future.